Fiction Author Testimonials

... Thanks for all your hard work ...

Ivan Miller - Creaking Floorboards

... Your amendments and advice have been invaluable. I very much appreciate your advice and comments. The text is certainly better for your amendments. ...

Richard Sotnick - Retribution

... Thank you very much for your good work on this ...

Gareth Flood - Oil and Corruption

... Thank you so much - your kind comments have sent me into the stratosphere. Writing is very hard work, but you have made it worthwhile for me ...

Mollie Lord - Painting with Jam

... Exceptional work - to say I was impressed would be (an) understatement ...

Winston James - The Gauntlets of Power

... Thanks so much for your detailed edit and kind words ...

Adam LeBor - The Geneva Option

... Thank you for your kindness ...

Rajesh Talwar - An Afghan Winter

... Thank you for all you've done on my behalf ...

Martin Perks - In the Eye of the Beholder

... Thanks so much for your editing work - really helpful - your comments are encouraging ...

Fiona Malby - Take Me to the Castle

... You did a great and very thorough job. It looks so much better now. I feel much more confident. ...

Julia Wurz - SuperEgo

... Thank you very much for your kind comments, they have given me a real boost! Your changes are of great help to me ...

Paula Bier - List of Illustrations